
Can't compile from source

zohaad opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
Can't compile from source:

Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'lottie-ios' match the requirement 3.3.0..<4.0.0 and root depends on 'lottie-ios' 3.3.0..<4.0.0.

To Reproduce
Xcode -> Source Control -> Clone...


I'm not an expert at Xcode and I, personally, was not able to reproduce your issue after a "fresh" clone
Maybe you can try resetting your package caches like this: (right-click on the Package list)
(try updating/resolving to the latest versions as well)

Also, you can check the package version by selecting the project ("Swiftcord") in the project navigator > "Package Dependencies"
Mine looks like this:

yeah, there seems to be some issue with Xcode's package cashing, and you have to reset them whenever you do a fresh clone of the repo.

Hi, I have encountered this issue quite a few times, and the only solution is to clear the package cache right after cloning. Also, using the built in Xcode git integration usually leads to trouble, I recommend you use git on the command line and close Xcode when doing major operations like checking out branches (if not your xcodeproj might get corrupted.

@zohaad please follow up if clearing the package cache fixes the issue. I'll close this issue if its fixed.

I can get it compiling now after Reset Package Caches, thank you @selimgr.