
[Bug]: DiscordKit zlib-stream Decompression SIGSEGV

cryptoAlgorithm opened this issue · 3 comments

Version 0.4.4(11)


DiscordKitCore.DecompressionEngine.push_data(Foundation.Data) -> Swift.String? (DecompressionEngine.swift:58);Swiftcord

closure #1 (Swift.Result<(extension in Foundation):__C.NSURLSessionWebSocketTask.Message, Swift.Error>) -> () in DiscordKitCore.RobustWebSocket.(attachSockReceiveListener in _A386195F83E543A29375DB207BC98EE8)() -> () (RobustWebSocket.swift:147);Swiftcord



Link to App Center

This looks like a very persistent issue, it's been here since 3 releases back. Unfortunately, it isn't easily reproducible, nor does the error log shed much light on the cause. I'll keep this issue open, if anyone can reproduce this, kindly leave a comment.

This issue probably belongs in DiscordKit though

Ok, this seems to be a one off, closing this.