
SwinjectStoryboard depends on Swinject ~>2.7.1

rardias opened this issue ยท 6 comments

I'm currently trying to update Swinject and SwinjectStoryboard on a specific project, using CocoaPods. In this project, it is required that all dependencies versions are explicitly specified on the Podfile, instead of using the latest stable available at the time.

# Dependency Injection
pod 'Swinject', '2.8.0'
pod 'SwinjectStoryboard', '2.2.2'

However, with pod install I get the following error

SwinjectStoryboard (~> 2.2.1) was resolved to 2.2.2, which depends on
      Swinject (~> 2.7.1)

I've tried using version 2.2.1, since I don't require the Swift Manager update of release 2.2.2, but the result is the same.

So, my question is, is there any update being prepared so that Swinject dependency will be updated to latest? The update to Swinject 2.8.0 version is desirable since it updates compatibility to Xcode 12.5 and Swift 5.4.

Any further information require, please just ask.
Thanks in advance.

Any update on this issue?
This has been blocking us from using the latest Swinject version.

Could you try this fix?

Could someone from Swinject team merge @BarredEwe's PR?

Hi @mpdifran, thank you for merging @BarredEwe's PR.
Appreciate if you could bump the version and make it available.

I've created the new version and released it for Carthage, but I'm having some trouble getting the Cocoapods release out. I don't have time to dig into it now, but I'll try and take a look later this week.

Hi @mpdifran : do you face the same issue still...? I guess the same issue with the last release on swinject.