
Unable to log in 22 or 3E mode on MQB-A0-IN platform cars. VW/Skoda

nkonk opened this issue · 5 comments

nkonk commented

I made the clone and I was able to log basic data but when I switched the logging mode to 22 or 3E and go to the logging screen i get an error "Failed to read Workshop Code"

What could the issue be? Is the ecu not from simos anymore?

"Failed to read Workshop Code" will come up when trying to log 3E when you do not have a patched ECU, this is normal. On the other hand you should be able to log with mode 22 if this is a simos ECU.

nkonk commented

I get failed to read workshop code in mode 22.
I was able to get ecu details, how do I know if it's a simos ecu ?

Are you able to post a screenshot of your 'get ecu info'?

nkonk commented

Yes, here it is.

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-09 at 20 32 22