
Layout Changes

Closed this issue · 4 comments

As i went through the website I noticed that its getting really hard as the individual components who have contributed to this project are only 2 in a row which occupies a large number of unnecessary space so I want to layout them in 4 in a row which will enhance the user experience.

Hi, I think this is a good idea. Although I personally prefer 3 (because of the text size).
I can assign you this issue, as long as the result have

  • enough gap for each card
  • big enough font size
  • not breaking the old design (don't change anything other than layout)
  • Works on different size of monitors (those smaller than a laptop can have less cards)

it's okay on my side.. 4 will be too much

Okay so should i start working on 3 with all the results :
1.enough gap for each card
2.big enough font size
3.not breaking the old design (don't change anything other than layout)
4.Works on different size of monitors (those smaller than a laptop can have less cards)
@ascodeasice Please assign me this issue

Have made the PR for this issue #3350 Please feel free to tell me if any changes needed in the PR @ascodeasice