
No CPU process info when running nvtop in a Docker container - but it shows just fine on the same machine outside of Docker

TheBloke opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there

Firstly, thanks very much for the awesome nvtop tool! I use it constantly.

I have an issue I've not been able to track down. On my Ubuntu 22.04 Docker containers, nvtop always shows N/A under the CPU / HOST / MEM / Command columns:


However if I run nvtop on the host machine - the one running the Docker container - it will show the process info just fine. In this case the host is running Ubuntu 20.04, not 22.04, so that's another difference.

Is this specific to running in Docker? Or could there be some library missing in my Docker container maybe?

My container is based on:

I saw the manual said

   Some fields are shown as N/A
       Ask AMD or NVIDIA for better support of your hardware!

But for me it seems software and/or Docker related.

Is there anything I can try to get the CPU host information working inside the Docker container?

Thanks in advance!