A Multiplayer Piano Bot Library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MPPBL Alpha v1.2

A Multiplayer Piano Bot Library.

Note: The library is not complete yet so there will be many missing features. The library will be completed when MPPBL 1.0 is released.

How to Use


Copy and paste this into your javascript console


Copy and paste the example code or bot code that you wish to use into the javascript console(Use this example script to help make bot code, then insert it into your javascript console).

Quick Documentation


You can change the "room_name", "bot_name", or "prefix" variable in the beginning of the code to whatever string you'd like.

createCommand({ name: 'command_name'(optional), description(or desc; optional): 'command_description' }, function(args, user) { /* Command Code / / Example: */ MPP.chat.send(`Hello ${user.name}!`); });

Creates a new command with the given name and function(DO NOT PUT SPACES IN THE COMMAND NAME).

Note: Do not use the command name as the first argument in createdCommand(/First Argument/), as that is now deprecated. Use the object shown above.

The args argument is the part of the message after the command(e.g. The args of "$test testing 123" would be "123 testing").


Sets the name of the bot.


Sets the room.

kickban('player id', milliseconds);

Kickbans the player for the amount of milliseconds with the given player id.


Sends a message.

receiveMsg('message', 'username'(optional), 'id'(optional), '_id'(optional), 'hexColor'(optional))

Shows a message in chat(client-side only).