Utility for generating mtsdf fonts. Based off https://github.com/Butterwell/mtsdf-fonts
Written mainly for my upcoming project: XR-Tag.
Usage: msdf-atlas-gen [options] <font>
Utility for generating compact font atlases using msdfgen
font ttf/otf file or Google Font family
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --format <format> image format (choices: "bin", "binfloat", "bmp", "text", "textfloat", "tiff", "png" (default))
-i, --image <image> Output image file
-j, --json <json> Output JSON file
-t, --js <js> Output JavaScript file
-w, --weight <weight> Font weight (default: 400)
-h, --help display help for command
can be a font file or the name of a font family available on Google Fonts.