
Won't compile on AllegroExpress

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Ironically, the fork won't compile on AllegroExpress. There is however an AllegroExpress fork by @earl-ducaine that might hold some clues. It may be worth merging these two forks, since the goals appear to be the same.

Specifically the problem is found in commands.lisp, and possibly the cause is in ptype1.lisp. @earl-ducaine's fork comments out commands.lisp and command-processor.lisp, in the system definition (ASD) file, so it may be that they are not fixed there either.

;;; Compiling file /usr/home/common-lisp/clim2/clim/ptypes1.lisp
; starting at file character position 38493:
Warning: Free reference to undeclared variable CLASS-NAME assumed
;;; Writing fasl file
;;;   /usr/home/.cache/common-lisp/acl-10.1-bsd-x86/usr/home/common-lisp/clim2/clim/ptypes1-tmp71rlabp2.fasl
;;; Fasl write complete
Warning: Lisp compilation had style-warnings while
         compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clim/core" "clim" "ptypes1">
; Fast loading
;    /usr/home/.cache/common-lisp/acl-10.1-bsd-x86/usr/home/common-lisp/clim2/clim/ptypes1.fasl
;;; Compiling file /usr/home/common-lisp/clim2/clim/completer.lisp
; While FILE-COMPILING #'(:TOP-LEVEL-FORM "completer.lisp" 1044) in
; starting at file character position 1044:
Error: Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `CLASS-NAME'.
  [condition type: UNBOUND-VARIABLE]