
1.8.2 compatible with Symfony 6?

dkarlovi opened this issue · 7 comments

Looking at the release, it says it's compatible with Symfony 6. But with 1.8.2 installed I'm still getting:

Fatal error: Declaration of         
     Nyholm\BundleTest\AppKernel::getProjectDir() must be compatible with     
     Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel::getProjectDir(): string in          
     /project/vendor/nyholm/symfony-bundle-test/src/AppKernel.php on line 94

I can see the signatures were updated in master, but not in 1.x. Is 1.x meant to be compatible with Symfony 6?

I created a small reproducer and also wondered, but figured out why:

  • b3e6ae4 : We added compatibility, which unfortunately caused problems #60
  • dbdfb26 : We removed the non compatible php5 code cause of the issue.
  • afa5c98 : We added back the return type and the compatibility, which isn't released yet.

I'm not sure if the 1.9 will be coming or the 2.0 will released cause of a larger rework.

/ping @Nyholm I think we should check if we are ready now with Symfony 6.0, add PHP 8.1 and Symfony 6.1 in our tests and release 2.0 if everything works fine. I use the dev-master for several days now and it's working great. #55

@chapterjason we should at least release 1.8.3 to remove Symfony 6 from composer.json as being supported? Currently it's allowing Symfony 6 component which it conflicts with.

Breaking changes shouldn't be expected in a minor version update, right?

@DoctorBryson I've updated to dev-master as @chapterjason suggested, it was a very small tweak for my project so not a real issue for me. I can suggest submitting a PR which removes Symfony 6 from composer.json, this would be the smallest possible action which fixes the current situation.

Looks like AppKernel was removed completely in master, but it exists in the latest release 1.8.2 and as the error message in this issue description says it's not compatible with the base Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel. I think this bundle needs another release, 1.8.3, that will bring compatibility between Nyholm\BundleTest\AppKernel and Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel

For now, i had to downgrade to 1.8.1 for Symfony 6

We just release 2.0.0 with support for sf 4, 5 and 6