
Add ability to include note on delete transaction

TCEchicago opened this issue · 2 comments

If I'm understanding the code correctly, it's currently not possible to include a note when canceling a transaction. The HTTPClient delete method will only accept the path as input.

Adding a note would be helpful to distinguish between different types of reasons for canceling a transaction. For example, we have use cases where a pending transaction can be canceled as part of a user account deletion or the user can directly request a cancel from our app.

trans.delete(node_id: user_node, trans_id: transaction_id, note: "End User Request" )
trans.delete(node_id: user_node, trans_id: transaction_id, note: "Account Delete" )

Hi @TCEchicago. The API itself (docs) doesn't support doing this via one request but you can accomplish it by making a DELETE and PATCH request in combination.

Ok thank you @stevula. Michelle from the Synapse support team originally responded to a question I emailed help@synapse and said it was possible "in the new CORE via the notes fields" I was hoping the API docs were just out of date. I'll take the PATCH request approach. Thank you again!