
Export Sheets (All) not working

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Reporting, when I do Export Sheets (All), only the last sheet is exported. Even if I do Custom, Select All, same result.

What settings are you using?

Export Sheet (s), All or Custom with All sheets selected
Export Sheet Arrays
Export contents as Array

Hmm. I've been able to export several sheets with those settings. Can you share the document with me so I can debug? If not, there could be a few explanations:

  • Are multiple accounts signed in? If so, try signing out of all but one. (This is a bug with how Google loads add-ons for some reason and I can't seem to fix it on my end)
  • Do you own the document or is it shared with you?

1 account only. I own the document but can I share with you in private? What's your email?

I found that the problem is selecting "Export Sheet Array". If selected, then it does not export all sheets

Hmm, I wonder if it is the combination of Export sheet arrays and Export contents as array then. Both of those individually should work as expected. I'll see what's happening there!