
Export as Dictionary

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I like to request a feature to export as a dictionary

test1 1 1 1
test2 2 2 2

to become

  "Sheet1": {
    "test1": {"X": 1,      "Y": 1,      "Z": 1    },
    "test2": {X": 2,      "Y": 2,      "Z": 2    }

Current the ID is repeated in the element, like this

  "Sheet1": {
    "test1": {      "ID": "test1",      "X": 1,      "Y": 1,      "Z": 1    },
    "test2": {      "ID": "test2",      "X": 2,      "Y": 2,      "Z": 2    }

XML has something like this already. Probably I'll just move that option to the General section so both XML and JSON can support that feature. Does that seem like what you are wanting?

yes, quite similar. I use this tool , the option "Output as JSON dictionary"

This is now the default behavior when exporting JSON. As I postulated above, the Include first column option now affects both JSON and XML, so this behavior can be toggled on or off based on your needs!