
JSON Delete same words

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello sir. Thanks for your amazing plugin.
When i create a json file, it will delete same words and use only one. You can see in the image which i send. This Main Section table have 17 rows. JSON give me only 9. I think it because, the same words "Title","Comp"..... Can i fix this`?

JSON doesn’t support multiple fields with the same name in the same object. I would move the duplicate fields to new rows then export a sheet array. That should export your data intact.

Export Sheet Data is totally free. There is no trial or standard version. You have full access to its feature set by installing it.

The exported JSON file will be in the same folder as the original spreadsheet. If you do not have access to that folder on Drive, the file will instead be placed in your root Drive folder.

You should be able to just rename the field to “file” instead of “name” and reexport the data.

If you want some rows to have a “name” field and others to have a “file” field, you can have two fields named “name” and “file” and enable the “Ignore empty cells” option. Then just populate the appropriate fields in each row. The empty cells will not be included in the exported data for each row.