
I have some problems with Nested elements

Opened this issue · 4 comments


I want to create the following JSON using Google Sheets:

    "name01": {
        "value": {
            "description": "name01_description",
            "factor": {
                "factor01": 10
            "params": {
                "integral": 1,
                "integral_sum": 1,
                "offset": 1
    "name02": {
        "value": {
            "description": "name02_description",
            "factor": {
                "factor01": 20
            "params": {
                "integral": 2,
                "integral_sum": 2,
                "offset": 2
    "name03": {
        "value": {
            "description": "name03_description",
            "factor": {
                "factor01": 30
            "params": {
                "integral": 3,
                "integral_sum": 3,
                "offset": 3

I have read the documentation of but I can not get my solution.

This is the answer that I receive:
{ "Sheet1": [ { "value": { "description": "name01_description", "factor": { "factor01": 10 }, "params": { "integral": 1, "integral_sum": 1, "offset": 1 } } }, { "value": { "description": "name02_description", "factor": { "factor01": 20 }, "params": { "integral": 2, "integral_sum": 2, "offset": 2 } } }, { "value": { "description": "name03_description", "factor": { "factor01": 30 }, "params": { "integral": 3, "integral_sum": 3, "offset": 3 } } } ] }

I have selected this configuration:
(Y) Nested Elements
(Y) Nested Array prefix (NA_)
The name of the sheet: NA_Sheet1


Thanks for yout help!

Hi @Synthoid !
Do you know if it's possible to create that JSON?
Thank you very much!

Sorry for the delayed response. I'm in the middle of a crunch period currently, so I haven't had a lot of free time to look at this. Currently, the JSON you want cannot be exactly matched, but the same data can be exported with slightly different formatting. This format would export each row as a distinct element in an array instead of elements in a JSON object. You're on the right track for that, but you need to have a key in every column (columns without keys are not exported).

Nested Elements are still very rough around the edges, so there is definitely work to be done there on my end. Unfortunately I won't be able to do much until next week at the earliest.

Is there a solution on how to set up like that already sir?
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