
App still uses old day color endpoint

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@rlefkowitz Can you update your app to fetch the day color from instead of

If you can update the issue when done so we can remove the old endpoint that'd be great ๐Ÿ‘

I can get the update submitted by Monday, although I have to remove notifications temporarily due to some logistical issues with the developer account.

As of 91dd8fb the /day API is following a different format (legacy route remains unaffected). I've already informed @jweiss045, but it might be nice to have it documented here.

If I were you guys, instead of just ripping through the api output, I would implement a jsonapi deserializer.
You can use our serializers as a reference for what data to extract.

Examples of what the new API returns:
No School:
{"data":{"id":"current_day_color","type":"days","attributes":{"color":"No Color"},"relationships":{"closure":{"data":null}}},"jsonapi":{"version":"1.0"}}

Red Day:
{"data":{"id":"current_day_color","type":"days","attributes":{"color":"Red Day"},"relationships":{"closure":{"data":null}}},"jsonapi":{"version":"1.0"}}

White Day:
{"data":{"id":"current_day_color","type":"days","attributes":{"color":"White Day"},"relationships":{"closure":{"data":null}}},"jsonapi":{"version":"1.0"}}

Active Closure:
{"data":{"id":"current_day_color","type":"days","attributes":{"color":"No Color"},"relationships":{"closure":{"data":{"type":"closures","id":"5a4ec95f366a3530e7f41865"}}}},"included":[{"id":"5a4ec95f366a3530e7f41865","type":"closures","attributes":{"type":"snow","content":"This is due to the road and weather conditions. All activities will be cancelled including SCOPE.","start_date":"2018-01-03","end_date":"2018-01-04"}}],"jsonapi":{"version":"1.0"}}

note: whole API is heavily subject to change, especially right now that it's just being formed

I have updated the Android version of the app with the new API.

@rlefkowitz @jweiss045 Are we good to remove the outdated endpoint now?