
Bug detected in Step 4

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I do not remember if I reported this before but by running:

complexInfo = getComplexData();
[ecModel, foundComplex, proposedComplex] = applyComplexData(ecModel, complexInfo);

I got:

Conversion to cell from char is not possible.

Error in applyComplexData (line 75)

Here is the data downloaded and generated during this step.

Just checked, and found that the file "ComplexPortal.json" that I downloaded was a bit different from the file that you provided in the repo.

By using the file that you provided I did not get any error.

I just download the file, the only difference I see:

In my new file:
{"complexID":"CPX-1249","name":"SDS22-GLC7 phosphatase complex","species":"Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 559292","geneName":["GLC7","SDS22"],"protID":["P32598","P36047"],"stochiometry":[1,1],"defined":1},

in your file:
{"complexID":"CPX-1249","name":" ","species":" ","geneName":" ","protID":" ","stochiometry":0,"defined":0}

Results after applyComplexData with my file:

[ecModel, foundComplex, proposedComplex] = applyComplexData(ecModel, complexInfo);
A total of 207 complex have full match, and 13 proposed.

With your file:

Conversion to cell from char is not possible.

Error in applyComplexData (line 75)

So, I think it was an error downloading the data. Anyways the main error is because if there is a complex without data in complex portal then complexID is save it and the rest of the information is filled with an whitespace. Here is the line that do it:

complexData(i,2) = {' '};

So a way to solve this is changing that lines or replacing this one

protIDs = complexData(i).protID;


protIDs = strtrim(complexData(i).protID);

edkerk commented

Will implement