
Discrepancy in mAP Results between Provided Model and Self-Trained Model on YTVIS2019 Validation Set

SkyKingL opened this issue · 0 comments


I've been experimenting with your VIS model and I've encountered an issue that I hope you can help me clarify.

I trained the model on a server equipped with eight V100-32GB GPUs using the mfvis_nococo/scripts/ script, without any modifications to the parameters. The test results I obtained on the YTVIS2019 validation set are as follows:
For comparison, I also tested the trained weight you provided on the same YTVIS2019 validation set and obtained these results:
As you can see, there is a minor difference in the mAP scores. I was unable to achieve the mAP=42.5 as reported in your documentation. Could you please provide some insight as to why this discrepancy might be occurring?

I appreciate your time and look forward to your response. Thank you.