
Add a CLOSE button to the extra boxes on unitstats

ByFstugan opened this issue · 0 comments

This is about the:

I just wanted to add a small request .. I added 6 boxes to compare all civs spearmen for fun, and then tested if I could open yet another (or if there was a limit at the number of civs), when I saw it wasn't I wanted to go back to my comparison and wanted to close the extra box - but there is no button for it. So in order to do that one must refresh page and reset everything, or be bothered (if you're like me) that there is a box there you don't use. A simple "close" button on each box would be nice (not possible on the first/last one though).

Also the isn't meantioned and linked on page, it should be. As far as I know this awesome page has official link on the URL anywhere (not counting if it's buried deep down in the forum somewhere).
