
Removal of the debug information from the console output

ALIENQuake opened this issue · 3 comments

Idea description
During the launching of the console application, various debug information will be displayed:

startpe 0.0.0 (a3920d6)

version: ROk3Z1n5
target directory: C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\MinimalApp\ROk3Z1n5
runpath: C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\MinimalApp\ROk3Z1n5\MinimalApp.exe
should verify: 2
should extract: false
payload: 0 directories, 1 files, 0 symlinks (1 total)
payload size: 5960213
reading sections...
verifying files...
current dir: C:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\MinimalApp
MinimalApp v1.0.0
Press any key.

I would like to be able to remove displaying that information so the first console line will be the actuall first line of the output of my app.

Additional context
This is actually a bug for my use-case because I need to have specific content for the first line of the output. But since it is a very rare use-case, I reported it as a feature request.

Thanks for the suggestion, that option should definitely exist!

I added a switch to control the output details in the latest snapshot, passing -i none to the packer will suppress any output. The default behavior was also adjusted to only show the first two lines.

So quick! Thank you!