
Stuck on "Opening https:// ..."

eddiefletchernz opened this issue · 4 comments

When I run this command:

chrome-headless-render-pdf --chrome-binary="C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --url= --pdf=output.pdf

I get up to "Opening" and nothing else happens?

Full cmd log

C:\bin\urls to pdf> chrome-headless-render-pdf --chrome-binary="C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --url= --pdf=output.pdf
Using C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Waiting for chrome to became available
Connected to HeadlessChrome/65.0.3325.181, protocol 1.2

Chrome Headless opens up and does not close. All of these chrome processes are spawned when printing, and I started with no other chrome.exe open.


this looks like #29,
is it present also in 1.7.0?

Ok, I see that this is different issue,
But I'm not sure what can I do about it, this page isn't loading in chrome headless at all.
I'm not sure what is causing that

I think I found small regression for some pages, should now be fixed in 1.7.1
But site you mentioned isn't working correctly on chrome headless, and i currently don't know why exactly

Hmm ok, thanks for looking in to this anyway.