
Text is not centered

Opened this issue · 6 comments


Can we please center the Bugreport text :D
If you implement this please override the standard behavior so every Bottom sheet behaves the same.

Describe the action.


Tested it in Chrome, Firefox and Edge. The texts are always centered for me.

Please leave next time more information about the bug and your browser.


The upper Content Text is still not centered

I'm using Chrome :D Version 77.0.3865.120 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

Oh, you're right. I redirect this issue and write it into #194

If you implement this please override the standard behaviour so every Bottom sheet behaves the same.
@Zeroks77 please add to spec

Oo whut

Add it to the feature description so anybody who wants to implement this sees it without scrolling through the whole issue