
No info dialog for IE users

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Describe the bug:
If people open the phonebook in IE they will don't see anything.


To Reproduce:
Open demo-phonebook.me.

Expected behavior:
There should be an info that IE is not supported.
The dialog exists but don't show.

--> There is an option in IE where you can easy open the site in edge (
STRG+Shift+E). A button to open the site in another browser would be cool.

Additional context:
IE 11.864.17763.0

Possible solution: Display the dialog before using UrlSearchParams, or conditionally check if IE is used before accessing it.

We should display this dialog without the need to load angular, thus we can drop everything that we currently need to be compliant with IE.

@DanielHabenicht so I will put clean JS code in an extra file, wich will be loaded before angular?

Ok, dann einfach ein Javascript Snippet nutzen und am besten unten in der index.html anfügen.

accidentally closed @DanielHabenicht ?

Seems so, the new GitHub app does not have colored buttons.

@FrankLambrette if you're implementing the feature maybe you can try to implement this, if it's easy..
"--> There is an option in IE where you can easy open the site in edge (
STRG+Shift+E). A button to open the site in another browser would be cool."

@DanielHabenicht @mschwrdtnr , after two month no i have some time to implement it. Just a question: how do I import a plain js script in the index.html? Angular Docu says I should put it in the angular.json scripts section. But we need to load the script before angular is loaded. If I try to import it via <script> I allways get a 404. Any ideas?

Just include it directly in the index.html.

In the end, it does not have to be something fancy. A simple timeout/detection mechanism would do it aswell.