
Skillprofil Backend

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hey, guys,

I would like to write the skill profile backend as part of my project work, I just need to know how far we want it to go.

Also it would be cool if someone could build a frontend because I probably won't have enough time for that...

According to IHK I only have 40h time for it.

I would be happy about ideas and help :D


My first thoughts about it:

  • A user can choose Skills out of a big list (because if the user can write what he wants, it's not easy to search for; but maybe this is also okay)
  • The maximum number of presented skills is 10 (the profile will not be overloaded)
  • The user can present the skill on a scale (1 Star, 2 Stars, 3 Stars OR Beginner, Intermediate, Expert)
  • I don't really know where the user should write in his skills and how this will be saved 🤔
  • A user can choose Skills out of a big list (because if the user can write what he wants, it's not easy to search for; but maybe this is also okay)

Get the initial list of tags from StackOverflow, and then implement a form of managed tag creation, like allowing users to "create" new tags but also allowing admins to manage them in the background (like renaming, and merging)

  • The maximum number of presented skills is 10 (the profile will not be overloaded)

I am against a maximum number of skills

  • The user can present the skill on a scale (1 Star, 2 Stars, 3 Stars OR Beginner, Intermediate, Expert)

+1 for beginner, intermediate etc

  • I don't really know where the user should write in his skills and how this will be saved 🤔

Thats what you have to program.
I can provide a card in the user profile where he can add and delete tags ;)

There should be some internal discussion or documentation on what users want. Ask @paule96 for it, also just write to some random people how and what they want from such a system. Something that I know did come up was, a label for each person where they can show if the are free to contact or busy (in order to not get overloaded with questions to a specific topic). Also the option to temporarily hide the skills from all.

Other ideas that are here #286 and maybe in the internal tracker.

@DanielHabenicht @T-Systems-MMS/phonebook-developers
I had talked to my instructor, maybe I will build it later, but for my IHK exam I have to do something that I can present better.

Until then I would close it for now, because the text above is not right.