
Change the message box for uploading pictures, because we want use the pictures in many systems

Opened this issue · 6 comments

We currently have the following dialog, if the user is uploading a picture:

current dialog

This dialog only ask for picture permission for the phonebook service. The problem is here we can't share this pictures with other services. In the feature we want use the pictures in many other systems. To be able to do this, we need a checkbox for every system that is allowed to use this picture. Like this:

sample feature dialog

The information wich application is allowed to use the picture must then be committed to the picture service.

Hint: the picture service isn't public available and must be changed internally.

Sample workflow (thx to @Compufreak345):

  1. First upload picture in a stream. (response is a temporary id, of the file that is stored in a temporary location of the server)
  2. Then you can make a request like that to commit the change of the picture:
  "picture": 'picture-id',
   "allowedSystems": [

Hint: The server must check the temp-dir of dead images.

Important: Implement this with a feature flag! The we can test this in production.

also the picture server needs to have one more endpoint:
something like:

# To get the services the picture is shared with (and which of them the user has allowed) 
GET http://picture-service.de/api/<user>/services
   "allowedSystems": [
        "id": "5hs9foeu",
        "name": "Confluence",
        "share-image": true,
        "id": "98dfg07f",
        "name": "Phonebook",
        "share-image": true,

Maybe also an endpoint to get the legal text dynamically.

Why is it gone?

Why is it gone?

Only the switch on the settings page is gone. Idk why, but we talked about 😄

The backend Work is here: #161