A Game of Life implementation written in C with extra language constraints
- Experimenting how much C syntax could be thrown overboard while still having a Turing complete language :).
- Exploring the power of C pointers :D
- No 'if', 'else', 'elseif', 'switch' etc.
- No 'while', 'for', 'foreach' etc.
- No '&&', '||', '!'
- No 'goto'
- No '?'-Operator
- No guards (not available in C anyway)
- No external API
This Game-Of-Life implementation so far is totally incomplete, of course! However the way loops and checks are performed in the test functions should give a hint on how Turing completeness still holds with these constraints.
How to Run:
$ make
$ ./gol
$ echo $?
This outputs 0 if all tests have passed, 1 otherwise.