
Get-MGDomain throwing error after authencation

RSOCKS opened this issue · 8 comments

RSOCKS commented

Describe the bug
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When running 'Start-HawkTenantInvestigation', after connection the Get-MGDomain cmdlet errors


This occurs after all authentication to the tenant with a Global Admin account and right after I specify the output direcotry

I get the same error and and unable to run the report!

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Please provide an output directory: C:\Hawk\New
Get-MGDomain : One or more errors occurred.
At line:81 char:9

  •     [string]$TenantName = (Get-MGDomain | Where-Object {$_.isDefa ...
  •     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-MgDomain_List], AggregateException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.AggregateException,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.GetMgDomain_List

PS C:\Windows\system32>

RSOCKS commented

I noticed I'm also receiving the error below after entering start-hawktenantinvestigation, not sure if this indicates another issue? the previously noted error appears to be resolved

PS C:\Windows\system32> start-hawktenantinvestigation
Initializing Application Insights
Checking for latest version online
Found Version 3.1.0 Online
Latest Version Installed
Skipping Upgrade
Testing Graph Connection
Connecting to MGGraph using MGGraph Module
Welcome to Microsoft Graph!

Connected via delegated access using 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e
Readme: https://aka.ms/graph/sdk/powershell
SDK Docs: https://aka.ms/graph/sdk/powershell/docs
API Docs: https://aka.ms/graph/docs

NOTE: You can use the -NoWelcome parameter to suppress this message.

WARNING: Unable to find type [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.Utilities.DependencyAssemblyResolver].
Select-MgProfile : The term 'Select-MgProfile' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try
At line:31 char:9

  •     Select-MgProfile -Name "v1.0"
  •     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Select-MgProfile:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Setting Up initial Hawk environment variable

@jonesconsulting - Are you able to run "Connect-MGGraph" before running Hawk? Connect to the Graph before you run it and run "Get-MGGraph". It should return your domain list. If it doesn't return your domain or gives and error, then it might be a permission issue connecting to the graph.

Readme: https://aka.ms/graph/sdk/powershell
SDK Docs: https://aka.ms/graph/sdk/powershell/docs
API Docs: https://aka.ms/graph/docs

Uninstall-Module -Name MSOnline -RequiredVersion
Install-Module -Name MSOnline -RequiredVersion

Try after doing that. Should work now, this is how I fixed it. Found issue in another thread