Reference to type 'RouteValueDictionary' claims it is defined in 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions', but it could not be found

valeriob opened this issue ยท 13 comments

i'm testing netcore3.0 preview 9, and i think there is something to be done to make r4mvc compatible.


Did you have time to test dotnet core 3.0 ? ๐Ÿ˜„

Hey @valeriob

Yup, I just set up the beta version on my PC and am looking into this ๐Ÿ˜„

ah good, i found 15' to check it and i was about to push a pull request, i think we can drop the support for aspnetcore 1.0 to be honest, and push the framework version up to 4.7.2 that properly support netstandard2.0, everything before that is a mess :D

The problem in this case is that they moved RouteValueDictionary from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions in the v3 assemblies.

I'm just checking if I can solve this with multitargetting, or a major version release with different references would be required :)
The annoying thing is that the new version isn't even on NuGet - it's only currently published to MyGet :D

aspnet core 3.0 will not run on other framework than dotnet core 3.0, so i would go with this route, no need for nuget packages.
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)'=='netcoreapp3.0'"> <FrameworkReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" /> </ItemGroup>

Yup, I just realised that as well.. The reference libraries aren't even on their MyGet servers, but referencing the framework reference works well.

The build server was failing to build this, even with the preview 2019 images :D

I made the build script install the latest .net core sdk before the build, which seems to have worked, but I can't upload the images to neither MyGet (the nupkg file is too big) or NuGet (the key is expired).

I'll ping Kevin to have the key sorted out :)

awesome !


What is the solution to this problem?


I received your project and made the following changes to the project
And it runs on .net core 3 without any problems

** These changes are for .net core 3 only **

1: R4Mvc

But when we get the project from nuget there is a problem with not recognizing Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc in your project
Which I think you need to change its namespace to not interfere with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc 3.0

URGENT HELP! Please fix it ASAP. I upgraded my project to .net core 3 and the only thing remained is R4MVC. Thanks!

Is there any temporarily solution?

@valeriob @mahdi-ataollahi Sorry for the delay - I've pushed a new build to NuGet that has support for ASP.Net core - let me know if it works well for you, or if you're having any issues

Thanks for the quick release of the new version