ERROR: Could not build wheels for impacket, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
gituserclone opened this issue · 8 comments
gituserclone commented
ERROR: Could not build wheels for impacket, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
IM USE python -m pip install cfscrape<=2.1.1
python -m pip install certifi<=2021.10.8
python -m pip install dnspython>=2.2.0
python -m pip install requests==2.27.1
python -m pip install impacket==0.9.23
python -m pip install psutil>=5.9.0
python -m pip install icmplib>=2.1.1
python -m pip install git+
python -m pip install yarl~=1.7.2
mrjbq7 commented
what does impacket have to do with this project?
gituserclone commented
gituserclone commented
im installing MHproDEv ddos tool
im have errors
gituserclone commented
mrjbq7 commented
What does this have to do with ta-lib-python?
mrjbq7 commented
This is not that project.
gituserclone commented
ohhhh im stupid
maybe your help me this error
mrjbq7 commented
Well, it looks a lot like it can't find GeoLite2-Country.mmdb