
Please confirm functionality of release 0.0.4 - REMOVED FROM STABLE

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The current stable verion of this adapter is 0.0.4.

Please let us know if this release is fully functional or the adapter ii working only when using newer Release currently not avaialbal at stable repository.

Please give some feedback and let us know if current stable release 0.0.4 is fully functionally or the adapter is working only when using newer release currently not avaialbal at stable repository.

If there is no reaction / statemengt until 30.6.2024 release 0.0.4 will be removed from stable repository.

Please give some feedback and let us know if current stable release 0.0.4 is fully functionally or the adapter is working only when using newer release currently not avaialbal at stable repository.

If there is no reaction / statemengt until 30.6.2024 release 0.0.4 will be removed from stable repository.

This adapter has been removed from stable repository as no reaction occured.

Please feel free to request an addition to stable at any time as soon as a new release is available.