
documentation for adding sound effects

Closed this issue · 2 comments

So I finally am coming around to adding custom sound effects, and I realized I'm not sure the JSON format required. My SoundEffects.json file is:


Can you provide an example of a sound effect JSON format as well as an explanation of "ReverbTestFile" and "ReverbIRFs" ?

That's fair. The way I set up my sound effects originally was I added a temporary command that would call the public method SoundEffectSystem.AddEffect for all of the sound effects I wanted to add. It also then set the soundEffectData.ReverbTestFile manually to a TTS file I had generated for the purpose, and then called SoundEffectSystem.AddReverbIRF for all of my reverb filters. A number of my future additions were just added by editing the json file.

Here is a trimmed-down example of what my SoundEffects.json file looks like:

    "ReverbTestFile": "C:\\Users\\tasag\\Documents\\TASagentBot\\TTSFiles\\776ab338-54ef-45bf-a678-ffd017a897ae.mp3",
    "SoundEffects": [
            "Name": "SMW Midway",
            "FilePath": "C:\\Users\\tasag\\Documents\\TASagentBot\\SoundEffects\\SMW\\smw_midway_gate.wav",
            "Aliases": [
            "Name": "SMW Messageblock",
            "FilePath": "C:\\Users\\tasag\\Documents\\TASagentBot\\SoundEffects\\SMW\\smw_message_block.wav",
            "Aliases": [
            "Name": "Celeste Kevin 1",
            "FilePath": "C:\\Users\\tasag\\Documents\\TASagentBot\\SoundEffects\\Celeste\\game_06_crushblock_move_var1_intro.ogg",
            "Aliases": [
    "ReverbIRFs": [
            "Name": "VeryWarm",
            "FilePath": "C:\\Users\\tasag\\Documents\\TASagentBot\\Filters\\ReverbIR\\ReverbIR_VeryWarm.wav",
            "Gain": 7.9696161682349,
            "Aliases": [
            "Name": "InsideEar",
            "FilePath": "C:\\Users\\tasag\\Documents\\TASagentBot\\Filters\\ReverbIR\\ReverbIR_InsideEar.wav",
            "Gain": 7.272833378664297,
            "Aliases": [
            "Name": "InsideBox",
            "FilePath": "C:\\Users\\tasag\\Documents\\TASagentBot\\Filters\\ReverbIR\\ReverbIR_InsideBox.wav",
            "Gain": 13.494695549049746,
            "Aliases": [

There is now a web-based means of uploading new sound effects