
Capturing stopped when goes back from screen saving

Thom-x opened this issue · 10 comments


First, thank you for your amazing work.

I'm having trouble with the screen saver.
When the screen saver starts, it closes both Hyperion and PicCap, that's OK.
But when it goes back to the screen:

  • Hyperion restart well
  • PicCap doesn't send data any more

I have to stop/start the service to make it send data again.
BTW: When Hyperion restarts, I can see the light effect pattern, so it is connected to lights.

    "board_type": "M16P_DVB",
    "hardware_id": "HE_DTV_W18H_AFADABAA",
    "product_id": "OLED55B8PLA",
    "core_os_release": "4.4.0-12",
    "webos_manufacturing_version": "05.40.26",

This is actually fixed by piccap 0.3.0 but that version is not available yet through homebrew shop.
You can install it manually

This is actually fixed by piccap 0.3.0 but that version is not available yet through homebrew shop.
You can install it manually

Can you tell a noob how to install that version? I can’t figure out the whole webos rooting easily.
I did get a connection to the tv using ssh- what’s next?

download this zip and extract the ipk

upload it to the /tmp folder of your tv via scp

run this command
luna-send -i -f luna://com.webos.appInstallService/dev/install '{"id":"org.webosbrew.piccap","ipkUrl":"/tmp/org.webosbrew.piccap_0.3.0_all.ipk","subscribe":true}'

open the app on the tv and see if you get root/can change the settings
if you dont get the root status you need to elevate the process via this command

/media/developer/apps/usr/palm/services/org.webosbrew.hbchannel.service/elevate-service org.webosbrew.piccap.service

Thank you, if it is only a matter of installing it manually, no big deal. 👌👍

I installed it, but it's not working at all.
I cannot even save the IP address. After a reboot, everything is reset.
I let all options by default. :/
All status are "unknown", root, version, status.

Sorry, I was not root. It's OK now.

After some test I can see that the capturing has much more delay, like half a second. Is there any option to enable, to fix that ?

I tried lowering the resolution and changing FPS/VSync, but no effect.

Hi, I've the same issue, long delay in 0.3.0, and capture running under 10fps. Is there any fix? Thanks

As mentioned by @drbeat this should be fixed in latest version. It's now also available in Homebrew Channel.