
[search] No result list after deleting search query

opk12 opened this issue · 3 comments

opk12 commented


When I type something in the search bar, I change my mind and delete what I typed, I end up with no result list.


Behaviour - Desktop mode <<Search>> - Initial result list is set to Adaptive history.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Type something in the search bar.
  2. Delete what was typed.
  3. See that there is no result list.

Expected behavior

The adaptive history should appear again.

Device info

  • Device: Samsung
  • OS: Android 7.1
  • TinyBit Launcher version: 7.4 from F-droid
TBog commented
opk12 commented

Ah sorry then. I started using the app recently and couldn't think of a use case for ending up with the black background in the place of the list. But I don't really care - it's rare and minor, and effectively cosmetic, as I can reset with the Home button. I can't find where to click to untoggle the bug label, maybe this should be closed and let another user reopen if they are interested?

TBog commented

You can add a history button to the dock