
Add blips using request

maikelmo opened this issue · 4 comments


Is there a way to insert blips into blips.json using a web request?

I want to insert blips which are defined in a control panel.

No, but you can add then manually. You can either go to each place and and do the command in game or, edit the json file manually. I don't plan on adding anything to the resource to allow you to add blips using a request. The resource isn't secured so, someone could just spam create blips and potentially crash the server.

Could you elaborate on what exactly you mean? It's just that you've asked this on the interface github and I feel like I may have missed what you're actually trying to accomplish.

Thanks for your quick response.

I'm trying to create a web portal where users can create own blips based on postal codes. I don't really know which postal codes they want to use. That's why I want to create a web portal to interact with the blips.json

@maikelmo you could implement this fully on the client's side. You could implement it on click on the map object. And store them in localstorage. Then, check if the markers exist on local storage next time the page loads. This would give each user their own, unique blips that they can create themselves.

Thanks! Do you have an example for blips.json?