- 4
#334 opened by kou18n - 2
#183 opened by hhr114 - 4
#214 opened by huihuijiangqiang - 2
#333 opened by kou18n - 0
KeyError: 'degrees'
#331 opened by kou18n - 1
"TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable" when using customed graph classificaion dataset
#324 opened by odymit - 1
#319 opened by sleeplessai - 2
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#300 opened by ccluqh - 1
#302 opened by ShenchenYu98 - 1
#288 opened by HaSai666 - 5
#284 opened by ShenchenYu98 - 3
#287 opened by lanadelreyfan - 1
用 oag bert 需要去除停用词吗
#272 opened by lixingyuan1998 - 3
#283 opened by ShenchenYu98 - 2
- 1
operators/sample/sample.cpp file
#264 opened by yuuun - 17
Learn and save embedding files for customized dataset WITHOUT running evaluation tasks.
#241 opened by dingqi - 2
请问GATNE-t 和 GATNE-i模型都实现了吗?
#253 opened by zhangjiekui - 4
oagbert model Killed
#239 opened by emanuelevivoli - 5
Issues loading TU dataset
#224 opened by spencerfrazier - 1
Optimize Exception Message
#219 opened by Somefive - 1
Issue about unsupervised_graph_classification
#185 opened by ayanesakura - 3
运行experiment(task="node_classification", dataset="cora", model="gcn", hidden_size=32, max_epoch=200)时,提示缺少cogdl\\match.yml文件
#165 opened by NovaRick - 1
results on shapenet part segmentation using dgcnn
#132 opened by jeannotes - 7
how to use cogdl in pycharm?
#131 opened by GorgeousWang - 3
Possible bug in cogdl/tasks/
#114 opened by xssstory - 6
when i want to install CogDL via:git clone , there are some questions
#137 opened by GorgeousWang - 0
when i want to install CogDL via:git clone , there are some question
#136 opened by GorgeousWang - 4
when I run the example of combaining model,dataset and task in the tutorial, the pycharm return "Using backend: pytorch" and there is nothing about the ret.
#130 opened by GorgeousWang - 2
Where is the DBLP dataset (51,264 nodes)?
#97 opened by scottshufe - 0
Internal Error in formatting
#90 opened by JiaYiLiJayee - 4
Some question about link prediction
#82 opened by morningsky - 2
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#31 opened by chrislouis0106 - 1
python scripts/ --task unsupervised_node_classification --dataset wikipedia --model gcn gat deepwalk node2vec hope netmf netsmf prone
#22 opened by foreseez - 2
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unsupervised_node_classification evaluation
#34 opened by rain0831 - 1
metapath2vec --schema
#29 opened by rain0831 - 3
How to setup codgl in cluster!!
#25 opened by aj280192 - 1
cogdl on linux tesla K40c
#26 opened by rain0831 - 0
unsupervised node classification evaluation
#33 opened by rain0831 - 3
Split package requirements
#24 opened by Harry-Chen - 1
Computer configuration
#23 opened by danyuwusheng - 1
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