
ak9250 opened this issue ยท 14 comments

please add a google colab for inference thanks

Hi! I'm currently working on this issue.
Colab made: #10 (comment)

@ak9250 @johnpaulbin Good idea, I will try it but since it is not easy to push things to google in China, it might take some times.

@ak9250 @johnpaulbin Good idea, I will try it but since it is not easy to push things to google in China, it might take some times.

This is what I was worried about, once I do get my hands on the pre-trained model, I will have the colab open to only few until I see updates on the matter.

Thanks @johnpaulbin . If you're working on this, report any encountered problems in the issues.

Thanks @johnpaulbin . If you're working on this, report any encountered problems in the issues.

Hey there @Sleepychord I finished the colab for inferencing, requires a Colab Pro account. It includes the model download as well.

here is an alternative that works with colab standard runtime (non-pro)

Con! @johnpaulbin @fuzzbuck Thank you for your efforts! I have added links to your colabs to

#10 (comment)
Please add a torrent download method in colab or update links.
Also this works with some modifications and its a way faster than wget.

#10 (comment)
Please add a torrent download method in colab or update links.
Also this works with some modifications and its a way faster than wget.

if you are able to provide a simple working solution and add it into the notebook, please contact me on discord

here is an alternative that works with colab standard runtime (non-pro)

Is it just me or are most of the input cells here blank?

Same problem, the input cells are blank.

@flarn2006, @MichaelMaiii, here is a backup from 13 august.

I don't know why, but on october 22, aze (@fuzzbuck) cleared some cells.

Hi, the cogview_base.tar file cannot be downloaded. Seems like has shut down. Is there an alternative link to download the model?


  1. It's enough that you open an already-running notebook in a mobile device to empty out all the cells. It's some kind of a bug in Colab, and looks like that's what might have happened to the other notebook. (remember to save a backup if you're planning to witness this bug for yourself)
  2. is sometimes offline for short periods of time. Seems to work fine as I'm writing this comment.