questions about computing ndcg score

zhuojw10 opened this issue · 3 comments

The NDCG score computed in L91~L94 seems contradicted with the definition in the paper: dcg is computed according to item in the ground truth with the k-th nearest time instead of the k-th recommended item as mentioned in Eq. (16) of the paper.
Is it correct?

Hi @zhuojw10,

Thank you for pointing it out. It seems that the iid_list and item_list should be swapped in L91 and L92. I will double-check the calculation of the NDCG score.

Hi @zhuojw10,

I have updated the computation of the NDCG score and have pushed it to the dev branch. Could you please help to check the implementation?
(This is the modification: a3489df)

@cenyk1230 Thanks for your update~ I think the current version is currect.