Dump your MongoDB in a range of days
It's a nodejs script, please install nodejs first.
Usage: mongodump [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --user <user> mongo user
-p, --password <password> password
-d, --database <database>
-c, --collection <collection>
-ad, --authenticationDatabase <authenticationDatabase> default is admin
-s, --start //2012/06/01 <start> which time do you want to start
-e, --end //2012/12/31 <end> which time do you want to end
-h, --host <host>
-o, --output <output> choose your path to save file
./mongodump -u root -p yourpassword -h localhost:27017 -s 2015/01/01 -e 2015/10/01