Add Leetcode Problems & Solutions

Vishruth-S opened this issue · 13 comments

Add problems and solutions from Leetcode in the Leetcode folder

Hey, can I add a solution to this?

Hi, I am a participant of Hacktoberfest. I would like to add some questions.Can you please assign me this issue. Thank you

@sugatobagchi Sure, please refer the file for contributing guidelines

@sugatobagchi Sure, please refer the file for contributing guidelines

On it

@ASLManasa you can add questions, please refer the, The issue is open to all

We have to raise issue for particular question or directly add it and make a pull request?

Can you assign me to add C++ solution for this problem.

@Vishruth-S can i work on this issue

@SUSHANT731 You don't have to raise an issue, you can directly make a Pull Request.
@TechSpiritSS , @CSAURABH this issue is to open to all, you can add your solutions and create a Pull Request. Make sure to follow the guidelines here

Hi @Vishruth-S , can we add any type of leet code problems and it's solution?

Yeah sure, please go through Contributing before sending a PR.

@Vishruth-S while working on another leetcode problem, I tried to add local directory to the remote repo in github but I am getting some issue, it will be a great help if you could help me out or provide me with some reference.

Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: ../Hackerrank/Drawing Book/
modified: Median of Two Sorted Arrays/
this issue is coming whenever I try to commit after adding my files.