
Scripts to make my life easier

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Personal command-line utilities to automate my life.

  • bin/ - Command-line programs
  • src/ - Source code for commands/libraries, organized by sub-project and language (Maven-style)
    • src/lib/ - TOGoSUtils libs, primarily for use by scripts in bin/ or setup-scripts/
  • ext-bin/ - Binaries imported from elsewhere
  • dotfiles/ - Common configuration files, especially .emacs, but also others. Structured to match home directory, so you should be able to ln -s TOGoSUtils/dotfiles/xyz/123 ~/xyz/123
  • setup-scripts/ - Scripts to automate installation of...TOGoS modules, for lack of a better term.

Regarding windows batch scripts

Some of the .bat files under bin/ actually just run a bash script. I wrote and tested this using bash.exe that's included with Git for Windows (e.g. git version 2.17.0.windows.1 works).

Other versions might not work so good. The UnxUtils one is very weird and definitely does not work. Also the UnxUtils find.exe is old and doesn't support some needed features.