
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Tutorial YouTube

  • Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rFL3mbsjJM&t=27s

Tutorial PT/BR

  1. Obrigatório criar a conta em: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup
  2. Ir nas "Settings" depois em "Secrets" e criar um repositorio secreto com o nome NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN
  3. Coloque o token de: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/your-authtoken no repositorio secreto
  4. Vai em "Actions" e procure "BiiuhRDP".

Tutorial EN

  1. Account must be created at: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup
  2. Go to "Settings" then "Secrets" and create a secret repository named NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN
  3. Place the token: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/your-authtoken in the secret repository
  4. Go to "Actions" and look for "BiiuhRDP".


  • IP: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/endpoints/status
  • User: runneradmin
  • Senha/Password: Biiuh2021
  • Tempo/Time: 6 horas/hours

Config. PC

  • RAM: 7gb
  • Cores: 2