
Analytical continuation of matrix-valued self-energy

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Dear All,

Following the methodology provided in the documentation of the MaxEnt code regarding the analytical-continuation of a matrix-valued self-energy using the InversionSigmaContinuator, I get extreme values in the off-diagonal elements. Are there any additional steps (to the documentation) required to properly continue such matrix-valued self-energies?? Or it is just a known problem that needs to be addressed individually given the case?


Hi Danny,

Sorry for not answering earlier, but I don't have time anymore to look into the issues daily. And you had a bit of bad luck because Manuel was out of office as well in the last few days...

As you know, analytic continuation can be tricky sometimes. As far as I can see and remember, the continuation of Sigma is shown for a block-diagonal material in the doc. For continuing G_aux, did you try to use PoormanMaxEnt, i.e. using the continued diagonals to construct a default model for the off-diagonals? If not, trying that would be my first suggestion...


Dear Danny,

sorry for my late response. I was indeed on vacation/conference.

The SigmaContinuator itself provides only to Tools to construct an auxiliary Gf. Then from the
continuation of the Gf it reconstructs Sigma. The continuation of the auxiliary Gf needs to been
done explicitly, as shown in the user guide. There we use TauMaxEnt, because the problem is diagonal,
but it should in principle also work for off-diagonal problems, using for example PoormanMaxEnt.

To tell what is going wrong, we would need more information/data/details from your side.

Best, Manuel

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