
Tools for handling Contentful's Rich Text JSON objects in Elm

Primary LanguageElm


This is a work in progress for an Elm package to deal with Contentful's Rich Text.

decoder and encode have only been lightly manually tested but are understood to work as expected. As such, you should be successful in copying src/Contentful/RichText.elm to your own projects. Any bug reports would be very welcome.

The major tasks remaining before publishing are to settle on an API, and write extensive tests and documentation for it. Benchmarking on large RichTexts should be done.

There is not currently a way to build or update RichTexts. The only way to traverse the text is via encode, which is designed with Html.Html and Markdown in mind. encode may be renamed to encodeWithContext to allow for encode without passing Context (mostly depending on performance and how useful the context proves to be).

RichText and decoder are designed to make impossible states impossible, according to Contentful's type definitions. If it is to remain an opaque type, it might make sense to simplify the data structure for performance and maintainability reasons.

Example Encoder


import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes exposing (rowspan, colspan)
import Contentful.RichText exposing (Encoder, Marks, Spans)

import Html.Lazy

viewRichText =
    Contentful.RichText.encode htmlEncoder

view model =
    Html.Lazy.lazy viewRichText model.richText

htmlEncoder : Encoder (Html msg) (Html msg) (Html msg)
htmlEncoder =
    { document = Html.div []
    , blockquote = always <| Html.blockquote []
    , embeddedAsset = always <| Html.div [] << (\id -> [ Html.text ("{{ EMBEDDED_ASSET " ++ id ++ " }}") ])
    , embeddedEntry = always <| Html.div [] << (\id -> [ Html.text ("{{ EMBEDDED_ENTRY " ++ id ++ " }}") ])
    , heading1 = always <| Html.h1 []
    , heading2 = always <| Html.h2 []
    , heading3 = always <| Html.h3 []
    , heading4 = always <| Html.h4 []
    , heading5 = always <| Html.h5 []
    , heading6 = always <| Html.h6 []
    , hr = always <| Html.hr [] []
    , listItem = always <| Html.li []
    , orderedList = always <| Html.ol []
    , unorderedList = always <| Html.ul []
    , paragraph = always <| Html.p []
    , table = always <| Html.table []
    , tableRow = always <| Html.tr []
    , tableHeaderCell = always <| Html.th << (\spans -> [ colspan spans.col, rowspan spans.row ])
    , tableCell = always <| Html.td << (\spans -> [ colspan spans.col, rowspan spans.row ])
    , text = always <| toText
    , assetHyperlink = always <| Html.a << List.singleton << Html.Attributes.href << (++) "/asset?id="
    , entryHyperlink = always <| Html.a << List.singleton << Html.Attributes.href << (++) "/entry?id="
    , hyperlink = always <| Html.a << List.singleton << Html.Attributes.href
    , embeddedEntryInline = always <| Html.span [] << (\id -> [ Html.text ("{{ EMBEDDED_ENTRY_INLINE " ++ id ++ " }}") ])

toText : Marks -> String -> Html msg
toText marks string =
        (\(hasMark, el) child -> if hasMark then el [ child ] else child)
        (Html.text string)
        [ ( marks.code, Html.code [] )
        , ( marks.bold, Html.strong [] )
        , ( marks.underline, Html.u [] )
        , ( marks.italic, Html.em [] )