
Adapt Slice Factory

julianev opened this issue · 1 comments

The current implementation of the Slice Factory does not reflect the decision tree for storing individual tuples in the General Stream Slicing paper.

public Slice<InputType, ValueType> createSlice(long startTs, long maxValue, long startCount, long endCount, Slice.Type type) {
return new EagerSlice<>(stateFactory, windowManager, startTs, maxValue, startCount, endCount, type);
return new LazySlice<>(stateFactory, windowManager, startTs, maxValue, startCount, endCount, type);

Thank you very much for this pointer!
Indeed, the current implementation does not always lead to the right choice of eager and lazy slices. Thus, I added the bug label to this issue.
I believe that this issue is easy to fix since one just has to refine the if-statement to reflect the decision tree presented in Figure 4 of the General Stream Slicing paper from EDBT 2019.