The lecturer creates assignments for a subgroup

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The lecturer should be able to create assignments for a subgroup. The assignments should be written on a special page using Markdown and have the following characteristics:

  • name
  • text
  • due date
  • optional an attachment with the necessary materials
  • published
  • a list of Problems

Test cases

  • As a lecturer with a course and subgroup, I should be able to create an assignment
  • As a lecturer with a course and subgroup, I should be able to edit the assignment
  • I should be able to publish the assignment
  • Once the assignment is published, a notification is sent to all the students
  • Once the assignment is published, it becomes visible to all the students
  • If an assignment is not published, it is not visible to the students
  • I cannot set a due date before today
  • I can create the problems and assign their scores