
Messy configuration files of an unemployed Linux lover

Primary LanguageVim script


coffee ☕ gruvbox i3/spectrwm | dotfiles

messy configuration files of an unemployed Linux lover



No "death bed" because I lost all my music :(


  • GNU Stow
  • betterlockscreen for the autolock script (But you can edit the script to use your own screen locker)
  • mpd & mpc for the tmux tmux-mpd script (But if you have ncmpcpp you'll obviously have them)
  • kunst & sxiv for Mpd cover
  • tpm for tmux plugins (included as a submodule)
  • the scripts needed are in scripts
  • the colorscheme (located in alacritty) may be achieved with wal --theme <path_to_the_json_colorscheme>

installation for i3:

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/TWB0109/PDots.git --recursive
  2. Install GNU Stow

  • Arch Linux and derivatives

    pacman -S stow
  • Ubuntu and derivatives

    apt-get install stow
  1. Backup all the files that you don't want to lose (e.g your .vimrc, .xresources, .tmux.conf, .config/i3/config, .config/polybar/config, etc.)

  2. Delete the files in your home directory that you want to stow

  3. Stow the repo

    cd PDots
    stow alacritty i3 lf ncmpcpp picom polybar scripts tmux vim xresources

installation for spectrwm:

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/TWB0109/PDots.git --recursive
  2. Install GNU Stow

  • Arch Linux and derivatives

    pacman -S stow
  • Ubuntu and derivatives

    apt-get install stow
  1. Backup all the files that you don't want to lose (e.g your .vimrc, .xresources, .tmux.conf, .config/spectrwm/spectrwmrc, etc.)

  2. Delete the files in your home directory that you want to stow

  3. Stow the repo

    cd PDots
    stow alacritty spectrwm lf ncmpcpp picom scripts tmux vim xresources


GNU stow will symlink the files in the repo to the respective files in your system