
Extbase adding new data fields to fe_user

frikas opened this issue · 1 comments

Unfortunately there are some deprecation candidates within typo3 version 11.5 and will be removed in version 12.

In my plugin I have extendend the "fe_users" database table with additional data fields like birthday, etc. using the following extbase classes:




I have used the extension_builder for building the skeleton of my plugin. I have used the option "Extend existing model class" and inserted "\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FrontendUser".

Is there an example available or documentation how to extend the fe_users table in future with additional data and how to use it in the exbase environment?

Best regards

You will have to Implement the model and repository yourself. There is an example in the blog_example: https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/blog_example/blob/12.0-dev/Classes/Domain/Model/FrontendUser.php