
vim-tabby doesn't load in Lazy.nvim

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In your README, the instructions to use tabby with Lazy.nvim is:


However, this configuration doesn't load tabby. I found that it needs lazy = false to load correctly.
Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 11 31 22

hello. this is my config and it is working

    lazy = false,
    dependencies = {
    init = function()
      -- vim.g.tabby_inline_completion_keybinding_accept = "<C-G>"
      vim.cmd "exec 'imap <buffer><script><silent><nowait><expr> ' . '<C-G>' . ' tabby#inline_completion#service#Accept()'"
  1. found workaround for your problem with lazy = false.
  2. but it still conflicting and have some another problem
    a) vim.g.tabby_inline_completion_keybinding_accept = "<C-G>" : using this line - autocompletion does not work,:verbose imap<C-G> shows empty
    b) vim.cmd "exec 'imap <buffer><script><silent><nowait><expr> ' . '<C-G>' . ' tabby#inline_completion#service#Accept()'" - found exact code in plugin files, added to init function and now all is fine.

@icycodes can u help with explaining why so?
vim-tabby 2.0.1