
Cutton 5.0.0 feedback

Closed this issue · 0 comments

  • Starting cards are usually only awarded for the second settlement placed
  • Large settlement is called a city on the right hand side of the board but a large settlement in the build menu
  • Other tester likes the wheat tile art the best, said the ore tile was too dark
  • The turn chime was useful, it would be nice to be able to toggle it on or off
  • Development cards worked well. Usually you cannot use a card on the turn you buy it
  • Usually victory point cards are hidden until the end of the game. The number of unplayed development cards each player is also usually known by the other players
  • Noticed a bug in the board creation where the board had only one 5 tile and two 2s. For the second game there were two 2s and no 12. I did not notice this when testing previously
  • I think larger dice icons would make the number rolled stand out more.
  • Starting server was a little confusing at first because I didn't realize I had to wait for other players to join before the game board shows up
  • On Ubuntu the top and bottom OS menu bars likely aren't being taken into account when determining the window size so parts are cut off (even with windowed mode on). This is not an issue on Windows.

Needs more feedback before implementation:

  • Other sound effects would be great as well (dice roll, dev card being played, settlement/city/road built)