
Error submitting data to ListenBrainz

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Error when scrolling when listening to a song :(

I think the problem is in the separator when parsing artists

{'code': 400, 'error': 'artist_mbids MBID format invalid.', 'track_metadata': {'additional_info': {'artist_mbids': ['f5d87f3a-a258-4f9e-8dc8-88ab8fffea52/9d08a7a1-1985-4f0b-b36b-92ecc7d31bde/cffdb152-7f92-43f4-bade-e5198c37bca8'], 'recording_mbid': '85130b71-0f66-4376-9094-188818aa33e2', 'release_mbid': '0c5d7704-73f2-4928-8cca-7d7538ff6005', 'track_mbid': 'a53b8e08-d405-4931-85b6-dd7a97c00b3e'}, 'artist_name': 'Назар Божинський, Вадим Крахмаль, Дмитро Моторін', 'track_name': 'Track 9'}}

What Tauon version, and can you reproduce it on the latest dev build?


I use Tauon v7.8.3 (flatpak)

Yes, I can reproduce it on the latest dev build

From a quick look it seems artist_mbids should be an array of strings, so you seem to be guessing at the issue correctly.

Can you post exact reproduction steps?

Is this the ListenBrainz account integration?

EDIT: LB integration is brutally broken, I am surprised you got it working at all if that's what you used.

EDIT2: Oh, 7.8.3 works, it's broken in devel :)

I'll send you the song that's causing me problems. Meta tags for the song are automatically set up through Picard.

The error appears a few seconds after you start listening.

2025-01-06 17:11:40 [ ERROR ] [  t_main  ] {'code': 400, 'error': 'Value for duration is invalid, should be a positive integer.', 'track_metadata': {'additional_info': {'artist_mbids': ['f5d87f3a-a258-4f9e-8dc8-88ab8fffea52/9d08a7a1-1985-4f0b-b36b-92ecc7d31bde/cffdb152-7f92-43f4-bade-e5198c37bca8'], 'duration': '108.18321995464852', 'media_player': 'Tauon', 'media_player_version': '7.9.0', 'recording_mbid': '85130b71-0f66-4376-9094-188818aa33e2', 'release_mbid': '0c5d7704-73f2-4928-8cca-7d7538ff6005', 'submission_client': 'Tauon', 'track_mbid': 'a53b8e08-d405-4931-85b6-dd7a97c00b3e', 'tracknumber': '9'}, 'artist_name': 'Назар Божинський, Вадим Крахмаль, Дмитро Моторін', 'track_name': 'Track 9'}} (t_main.py:7388)

Are you sure you got the same issue on the dev build?

Because I'm finding myself having to fix multiple ones before even getting to yours.